Google Kubernetes Engine
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
Week 1
Introduction to Docker, Containers and Kubernetes
Containers in cloud
Cloud Computing and google cloud
Google cloud compute offerings
Accessing the cloud console and cloud shell
Why Kubernetes?
Kubernetes architecture overview
Week 2
Kubernetes cluster management
Kubernetes object Management
Pods and containers in Kubernetes
Creating multi container pods
Labs for practical knowledge
Week 3
Pods allocation in Kubernetes
Deployments in Kubernetes
Scaling application in Kubernetes
K8s Networking overview
Kuberntes services
Week 4
Kubernetes storage
Self manged K8s in GCP
Kubernetes Troubleshooting
Creating and Managing jobs on GKE Clusters
Stateless and Stateful Applications
Week 5
Working with Networking and Security on GKE Clusters
Package deployment on Kubernetes: HELM introduction and installation
Start with HELM
Use HELM at next level
Create HELM charts
Week 6
HELM templates
Advanced charts
serverless functions on Kubernetes
Microservices in Kubernetes
Introduction to Istio
Week 7
Traffic management using Istio
Kubernetes & Istio implementation using GCP (Google Cloud Platform) / GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)
Istio traffic management, circuit breaker, canary release, dark launching, and security using mutual TLS (mTLS)
Create Kubernetes analytics using Prometheus & Grafana for metrics visualization
Week 8
Multi Cluster, Multi Cloud with Anthos
Anthos for centrally managed clusters
Fleet Networking
Managing Configuration with Anthos
Leveraging Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Using GKE

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