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Django-React Full Stack Development
Course Curriculum
Week 1: Introduction to Django
What is Django
HTTP request and response
Django Model View Template (MVT) architecture
Django installation
Virtual environment setup
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Starting your first Django Project
Week 2: Django App Architecture
Django project environment
Understanding settings.py
Starting a new Django app
Django app components
Adding the app to your project
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Creating Django Skeleton App
Week 3: Django Models
Understanding the Database tier of a web application
Defining Django Models
Understanding Model Fields & Options
Importance of __str__() method
Creating a Django Model
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Django make migrations and migrate
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Django model relationships
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Changing the Database Engine
Week 4: Django Admin and URL Patterns
Enabling the Admin Interface
Creating Admin Super User
Creating other Users and Groups
Add, Change, View, Delete permissions
Register Model with Admin
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Model Admin and Admin Options
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Django project urls.py and app urls.py
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Django url patterns and path
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Django Template View
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Django URL patterns
Week 5: Django Views and ORM & QuerySets
Simple Generic Views
Using Django Http Response object
Understanding render() object
Using redirect()
Other Generic Views
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Class-based views
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Understanding Django ORM
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Django Queryset API
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Methods that return new QuerySets: all(), filter(), order_by(), distinct(), values(), values_list()
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Methods that do not return new QuerySets: get(), count(), create(), update(), delete()
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Two or more QuerySets: union(), intersection(), difference(), AND(&), OR(|), Q objects
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Field lookups: exact, iexact, contains, in, gt, gte, lt, lte, startswith, endswith, range
Week 6: Django Forms and Users & Auth
Understanding Django Forms
ModelForm Class
Form validation
HTML forms
Select field and dependent dropdown fields in Django forms
File field & Image fields in forms
Date, Time and Duration Field in Django forms
Django Users and Groups
Django Authorizations: add, change, view, delete
Django Authentication, login, and logout
Create a Django User Registration app
Week 7: Django Templates & Static Files
Understanding Django App Presentation Layers
Creates templates and static directories
Template tags and filters
Template inheritance
Static files reference: images, CSS, and JavaScript
Week 8: Django Tests & Exceptions
Using Python’s UnitTest library
Writing Django Tests
Django Exceptions
Week 9: Django Security & Web Application Tools
Django Emails
Reusable Apps
Draft Lesson
Week 10: Databases and Django Rest API Framework
CRUD Operations in Sqlite3, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Introduction to Rest API
Working with JSON files
Class-based views
API Permissions
Understanding response objects and headers
Using CURL
Using Postman
Creating API endpoints in Django web application
Week 11: Deployment
Using Git
Amazon EC2 Services
Week 12: Project Work
Project 1: Blog Application
Project 2: E-Commerce
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Last UpdatedJanuary 20, 2025
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