Java: Core Java
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
Week-1: Introduction to java
Installing and Setting up Java Development Environment
Naming Convention in Java
Java variables
Java Data Types
Java Operators
Java Return Type
Writing and running a basic Java program
Week-2: Classes and Object and keywords
Static Keyword in Java
Defining a Class
Creating and Using object
Constructors in Java
Methods in Java
Static Blocks
this Keyword in Java
Week-3: Control Flow System and OOPS
Conditional System
Looping Statements
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Encapsulation and Abstraction
Access Modifiers (private, public, protected)
Getters and Setters
Abstract Classes and Methods
Throw and Throws Keywords
Custom Exceptions
Week-4: String and Exception
String,String Buffer and String Builder
Wrapper Class
Try,Catch and Finally block
Throw and Throws keyword and Custom Exception
Week-5: Collections Framework and Generics
Introduction to Collections
List, Set, and Map Interfaces
Array List, Linked List, Hash Set, Tree Set
Hash Map, Tree Map
Generic Classes and Methods
Type Parameters
Using Iterators
Week-6: Multi-threading and Synchronization
Introduction to Multi-threading
Creating Threads by Extending Thread Class
Implementing Runnable Interface
Thread Life-cycle and Thread Methods
Synchronized Methods and Blocks
Locking and Thread Safety
Deadlock and Its Prevention
Week-7: Java 8 Features
Introduction to Java 8
Lambda Expressions
Functional Interfaces
Optional Class
Default Method
Streams and Collections
Week-8: File input output
Reading and Writing Files
Byte Streams and Character Streams
Buffered Reader and Buffered Write

About This Course:
- Access to Training Video
- Certificate of completion
- Resume Preparation
- Vendor Interviews
- Client Interviews
- Project Support
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