RPA – UIPath
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
Week 1-2: RPA Overview and UiPath Overview
What, When, and Where RPA
Industry coverage of RPA
UiPath Installation
RPA implementation life cycle
Introduction to UiPath components – Studio, orchestrator, and Robots
Software and hardware configuration for UiPath
How to configure UiPath Studio
Different project types
Sequence and flowchart
Type of Panels in UiPath
Manage Packages
How to import packages
Ribbon module Properties
Panels and its importance
Week 3-4: Variables, Excel Automation, Data scraping, Recording, Email Automation and Recording
Variables and arguments
Different Types of loops
Decision Types and switch activities
Variable Scope
Create, Read, Write Excel files
How to read, write in a cell
Filter and Sorting
How to apply formula within a cell
Difference between Excel and Workbook activities
Desktop Recording
Web Recording
Image Recording
Citrix Recording
Computer Vision
What are the selectors?
How to make selectors dynamic
Data Scraping from different types of sources
Different Types of email automation activities
Send and Read Email
Email attachment download
SMTP and IMAP email
What is the testing?
What is UiPath Test Suite?
How to perform testing
Week 5-6: Work Queues, Process Debugging, Logging and exception handling, OCR and PDF Automation, Database Automation and API Automation
Load data into Queue
Get data from Queue
Delete Queue Items
How to set Queue item status Bulk add queue items
What is debugging process Debugging techniques Breakpoints and What are exceptions/errors
Types of errors/exceptions
How to handle exceptions Try Catch Throw and Rethrow
What is OCR
Types of OCR engines – Tesseract, Microsoft, Omni Page How to read data from text and OCR PDF
How to read data from image from OCR PDF Invoice automation.
Introduction to database Automation
How to configure DB with UiPath Database CRUD operations
Introduction to API Automation Invoke web services
Convert JSON to the custom object Fetch the data from JSON array
Week 7-8 Invoke Code Stage, Orchestrator and Re-framework
Overview of Invoke code stage
How to build code to execute from code stage
What is Orchestrator
Assets Types Logs verification Environment creation
Attended and Unattained Robots
How to schedule the process on
Unattained Robots How to publish the process
Version control
Introduction to REFramework State Machine
Advantage of REFramework REFramework structure Configuration file creation
Build end to end project using REFramework.
About This Course:
- Access to Training Video
- Certificate of completion
- Resume Preparation
- Vendor Interviews
- Client Interviews
- Project Support
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