Python Programming
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
Week-1: Introduction to Python
What is Python
Why choose Python
Features of Python
History of Python
Week-2: Basic Syntax in Python
Python syntax
Getting started with python programming
Week-3: Control Flow Statement
if-elif-else conditions
for loop
while loop
break, continue and for-else
Week-4: Numbers and Strings
Python primitive types
int, float and complex
Random numbers
String attributes
String formatting
Indexing and slicing
Week-5: List and Tuples
Mutable and immutable sequences
List attributes
Tuple attributes
List comprehension
Week-6: Dictionary and Sets
Information mapping
Dictionary attributes
Set attributes
Dictionary comprehension
Week-7: Functions and Modules
User defined functions
Lambda functions
map() and filter() functions
Recursive functions
Modules and packages
dir() and help() functions
Week-8: Object-Oriented Python
Classes and objects
Making of a class
Static and instance variables
Understanding self and __init__()
Inheritance and Overriding
Overloading functions
Operator overloading
Encapsulation: Hiding attributes
Week-9: File Handling
File Input/Output
Working with text files
Working with JSON files
Working with directories
Week-10: Exception Handling
Exception handling
try, except, else and finally
raise and assert
Exception hierarchy
Week-11: Regular Expressions
Pattern matching
Special characters in patterns
RE functions
RE flags
Week-12: Database Connection
Working with sqlite3 database
Connection and cursor objects
CRUD operations
Commit and rollback operations
About This Course:
- Access to Training Video
- Certificate of completion
- Resume Preparation
- Vendor Interviews
- Client Interviews
- Project Support
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